Sunday, September 30, 2007


College Assignment

This is a posting for a college assignment. The class is researching blogs. I checked many blogs and, as expected, many are started and never used. I think they should "yank" the blog if not active for three months. This would really help to clear out the junk. I have two blogs that I created. This one and one on computers. I created this one a long time ago and never used it much. This posting is mainly for an assignment. I do not recommend these sites for intelligent investing advice. -- This one's got some wacky investments, but interesting. --- exactly what not to do with your portfolio.. but some decent info on other stuff
Some great information on ways to improve your blog.

Wiki Very interesting wiki with tons of information. I need to research this site some more at a later date. I imagine there would be many "mistakes” throughout as with many wiki's

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